Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Beauty is a thing of the past"

I always seem to stumble onto great blogs while searching through google images, and while browsing for a photo for the 1940s hairstyles post, I came across a blog all about vintage beauty methods called "Beauty is a thing of the past", that is full of images of authentic salon instructions for hair, nails, makeup, masks and even some fun videos. The site is so easy to navigate, and although I have yet to try out one of the hairstyles, the instructions with illustrations seem easy enough to follow. I was going to buy a vintage hairstyling book on My baby Jo, but with shipping it came to over $40 and well, its christmas season so my funds are a bit stretched. Plus, really? $10 shipping? Come on.

So thank you Beauty, you've enlightened me at no charge. I love no charge.