Sunday, December 21, 2008

The weather outside is frightful...

Its been snowing all week, which means the world stops around here. I wasn't able to go thrifting at all so I'm a little lacking on items for the shop, but that's given me a reason to get all the mending done and even make things, like another bustle skirt I've been working on. I've been enchanted be a 1930s coat at work, so in order to consider buying it I've been going through my own coat closets and seeing what I can part with. So far I sold one, and have two others up for sale in my shop. But loving this coat has made me look closer to 1930s fashions. Flipping through the 1930s Sears Catalogue book I can see just how amazing these outfits were. The waistlines and hemlines are in a love hate relationship the entire decade, moving closer together and farther apart with each year. The detail not only on dresses, but on the sleeves of the dresses is what amazes me most.
I pulled out a beautiful 1930s two piece dress my friend gave to me that was her grandmothers, and mended a bit of the smocking on the sleeve. This dress is silk and the only flaw it had in 80 years was some stitches loose. I've bought new shirts that barley last a week. As I told a friend recently, these sleeves have more character in them than an entire modern formal gown. Simply stunning. I plan on wearing it to my families brunch on Christmas Eve, and attempting on finger waving my hair. We'll just see how that goes...

Coat-Estate sale. My first vintage purchase years ago.


Gloves-Discovery shop.