Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cupcakes and Fashion

Instead of posting yesterday Sam and I watched Wall-E, which is almost too cute to handle. Really, I almost had to turn it off from all the cuteness. My birthday started off with breakfast in Portland with my brother Josh at the Vita Cafe, he's vegan and had trouble choosing from all the vegan choices the cafe specializes in. I on the other hand had trouble not devouring the perfectly crispy bacon, which can only be matched by homemade, and The Original hotcake house bacon. I'm all about the bacon and the vintage, my two areas of expertise. Ok, not expertise, but I know how to appreciate it :)
Josh gave me The Little Dictionary of Fashion by Christian Dior himself all wrapped up in a cool map. His little snippets are very informative, and not snobby at all, which always seems to be the way most designers are. He takes care to say in different ways that every woman is different and should dress according to her taste and most flattering fit, not trends. He also considers that not every fashionable woman is wealthy, and often advises for buying to best stretch a tight budget. I never really knew anything about the man other than he died too soon, and would really like to know more, if anyone has a biography recommendation on Christian Dior I'd love to know.
Today at work my Aunt stopped in and brought me a yummy-yummy cupcake from Saint Cupcake in Portland, with charming little sprinkles on scrumptious pink frosting.
And here are my new glasses, with little stars :) I should have worn them today with my old lady outfit. Although I don't like my hair straight, I feel like I have to keep smoothing it out. When I rag curl it, the more fluff the better.