Thursday, June 2, 2011

I paint kitties in bowties.

My Aunt and uncle have started a "Get to know your neighbors" art exhibit at the local church, where various artists who work or have businesses on Main St can share their work with the community. June is my month, so I gathered up some paintings I had on the walls, and painted some new ones for the exhibit!
This is Hobbes of course. He has one white cheek whisker, and one white eyebrow whisker. And a suit.
I painted this when Sam and I were dating for our anniversary or something. I'm gonna say I'm the plump birdie ;)
At work I get asked quite often how to tie a bowtie, so I might hang this one up there. The original tutorial is from this image
This one is a whole seven years old, I painted it from a photo I took at the Roman Forum.
This one was a birthday gift to Sam, I think when we were dating.
Photos by Ruth