Monday, November 2, 2009


Have I ever mentioned how much I admire Coco Chanel? Well now I have. Ever since I did a report on her in ninth grade her life and designs have captured my interest in every way. That spurred on a 20s kick for a few years, bobbing my hair and wearing pearls every day. I've since found other eras of clothing more flattering on myself, however have a soft spot for 20s fashion, and if I really put effort into it I can manage not to look like a bunch of potatoes in a sack.
Today my mother treated me to Coco Avant Chanel a French film about Coco Chanel, played by Audrey Tautou, before she began her legendary clothing line. I loved how it showed her process of inspiration, design, and construction, and especially her courage to wear her simple designs amongst a sea of frou-frou and frills. The film did a wonderful job of showing how influential the men in her life were for her designs, sometimes it seemed like she was simply raiding her lovers closets, just as women today do. However during that time such an activity was unheard of. It was a perfect fall film, full of tweeds, black straw hats, and gray days at the oceanside. Since it's a foreign film it's only plays in select theaters (I saw it at the Fox Tower if any Portlanders are interested) so if you can find it near you I would recommend seeing it, it's a beautiful film and not too heavy or light.

We also stopped at Magpie Vintage where of course there was lots to look at, including a few very pretty 30s dresses which at the thought of actually wearing made me nervous, though they were great inspiration for making my own. I think my next 30s dress will be black silk with a white lace collar and matching cuffs, the one like that at the shop was darling, and after seeing the film the elegance of it appeals to me.
I didn't leave empty handed though, I never do, and took home a really pretty gold filled 1940s locket which I will fill with a little photo of Sam.

Coat-The Urban Eccentric

Sweater with fur collar-Gift from mother

Shoes-Mier and Frank

1930s purse-Moving sale in Ohio

Cloche-I don't remember....