Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I speak French like Jack Donaghy

At some point in her life every girl wishes she were French. Unless you are French, in which case you should know that we are all just a little jealous of your Frenchyness.

I don't want to go into why, thats a discussion best suited for when my brain is not fried at the end of the day. Actually, about an hour ago I attempted to plug in my iron and the plug decided to pop in half in a rather large ball of smoke and sparks, temporarily frying my fingers. They are still slightly black, but fine.

But back to the French thing. Us other girls try to capture it. Whatever "it" is. It's something effortless, passionate, and alluring. There's no piece of clothing that can really convey French style, because it's so much more that that. Perhaps because it's unattainable to the rest of us is why it's so coveted. We all want what we can't have, but try anyway and well, thats kind of the fun in it.

1930s skirt-Handmade by me!

Blouse and cardigan-Thrifted

Ribbon beret-Moving sale in Akron Ohio