Monday, January 24, 2011

Why I wear fox stoles, and plastic rain hoods

My favorite emails and comments are from people who tell me that reading my blog inspires them to be more themselves. Not more like me, not even more vintage, just more, well, them.

It can be difficult to be yourself, we have magazines, and television shows, and friends and peers all telling us what we should be. Telling us what is cool, and what will make us more popular and accepted.

When I was 14 I picked up a beauty magazine. It was awful. Biased to one type of woman, and none of those women were me. Nor were they what I wanted to be. So I put it down and decided I wouldn't pick up another beauty magazine until I was an adult, and was completely comfortable and confidant with myself. I consider that decision to have a huge impact in my teenage life, for I grew up to be what you see here every day. Thanks to the lack of that influence, among other things, I was able to decide at a seemingly early time in my life what I like, and accept it.

I've always had a soft spot for fox and mink stoles, but until a few years ago, told myself it was wrong to want something like that. Because everyone else said they were wrong. But I'd see them sitting in stores, unwanted, and sad, and needing a good home. People would pass by them and make faces, call them names, and not even want to touch them. I didn't want to be one of those people, I loved those little forgotten animals, and gosh darn it, I was going to save them from becoming cat toys and dust collectors.
So I adopted a few, and despite rude comments and dirty looks, I love them, and am happy to have finally accepted that even though lots of people think I shouldn't have them, I don't care. They don't have to love them. I will.

I like fox stoles, and plastic polka dot rain hoods, and sweaters with kittens on them, and ridiculous hats. Do I like them because the latest fashion magazine told me they are cool? No. I say they're cool. In my little world of handmade sweaters and untanned skin, I'm the coolest kid on the block.

I hope that you have the confidence to be who you are. Yeah, it can be hard sometimes if you're a bit different from everyone else, but whatever. If you want to wear a skirt made from pink cotton balls, do it. Do it someday. Do it everyday. If you want to write letters instead of emails, or collect pieces of thread, do it. You will be judged, just like you judge others, we all do it, but I hope you don't care what others think.

So there you have it, my thoughts on this and that. This blog is first and foremost a source of enjoyment for me. I love showing you my clothes, and love being surrounded by positive people and making new friends. After that it is for my readers, and while I'm very glad to have so many, and happy you enjoy my postings, I don't have this blog to please everyone's taste and needs. I have my own style, and so should you.