Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inside my purse

Sometimes I see photos of things inside girls purses, and it's always a few cute little items, generally lipstick, phone, wallet, and keys. Well, I carry around a big ol' granny bag about 98% of the time, and this is all the junk on one random day I decided to take a picture, and my justification for everything:

1. L.A.M.B. Makeup bag (Holds my makeup so my powder doesn't open and coat the inside of my purse. It's happened)
2. Chanel lipstick (best lipstick ever)
3. Paul and Jo lipstick (also great)
4. Bert's Bees chapstick (for the love of smooth lips, don't use anything with petroleum jelly in it.)
5. Maybelline lipstain (works great, especially for days when I need chapstick, but want red lips)
6. Smashbox lip pencil (for base touch ups)
7. Vintage ring box (just in case I need to hold rings. Duh.)
8. "Emma" by Jane Austen (Jane Austen should always be within reach)
9. Molesine notebook (Sometimes I need to draw kitties)
10. Mini sewing kit (I wear vintage, it's a must have)
11. Vintage handkerchief (so I can drop it on the sidewalk and men will pick it up...not)
12. Keys (to unlock secret gardens)
13. Neiman Marcus shoe shapers (ok, maybe those need to be in some shoes...)
14. Phone (Because I like carrying around a half working phone)
15. Receipts (I buy things)
16. Extra camera battery (Don't want to run out of batteries just in case I see Bigfoot)
17. Rubber bands (to fling at annoying people)
18. Bobby pins (every girl who pincurls her hair knows bobby pins are always everywhere. EVERYWHERE.)
19. Ted Lapidus pheasant scarf (to protect from rain and wind. Haha, no, it just looks awesome)
20. Vintage heart combs (just in case it's Valentines day and I don't remember)
21. Coach mini measuring tape (there are always pretty dresses to measure)
22. Rhinestone belt buckle (instant fabulous)
23. Passport (for those days I just need to hop a plane to Rome)
24. Longchamp wallet (holds multiple gift cards with only 98 cents left on them)
25. Vintage compact (for shiny noses checking lipstick)

Oh, and my camera, but it was taking the picture, sooo.....yeah.