Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Funny words.

Vintage paper words

A few years ago I began a mental list of words that made me laugh or cringe. Once I made this known, people began speaking up, saying "Hey, I don't like that word either." and possibly starting their own unpleasant word list. So here it is, the bad word list, with some good ones for a positive note :)

(First three words make up the worst sentence ever)

1. Moist-This is the word that almost everyone I know dislikes. It's uncomfortable for your mouth to say. But, I will find myself saying it once in a while, because there is rarely an alternative to "Yum, this cake is nice and moist." You cant really say damp, or dewy, it pretty much has to be moist. It weeds it's way into my vocabulary, therefore I hate it all the more.

2. Bargain-In my little thrift store hopping world, I hear this constantly. Unlike moist there are other alternatives. Like moist, its uncomfortable for your mouth to say. There is no attractive way to say bargain.

3. Panties-Such an odd word for a grown person to say.

4. Ma'am-At work every now and then, someone will call me "Ma'am". I'm 19 years old. Now, when you are a middle aged mother of three, calling a person half your age "Ma'am" is socially inappropriate and insulting. Even when I am 90 years old, if you call me "Ma'am" I will punch you in the face, and you wont be able to do anything about it, since I'll blame it on being senile.

5. Artsy-When I was in an art high school I dreaded telling people where I went because 90% of the time people would respond with "Ooooh, so you're artsy...".

6. Babe-is a pig.

Words I love.

1. Dame-or pretty much any word used in 30s gangster films. Dame, gams, dollface, clams, whatever. It's fun.

2. Flutter-The soft sound of a birds wings during flight. Such a pretty sound and such a pretty word.

3. Schedule-Really only good when a British person says it.

4. Cashmere-It sounds like it feels. And I cant help but elongate it, and say Caaaaashmere.

5. Portobello-I think I like it because it sounds Italian. Maybe it is Italian, what do I know.

6. Crimson-Explains the color beautifully.