Thursday, January 8, 2009

Modepass: Flair.

Modepass featured one of my photos in its online magazine, in an article about bob cuts (Insert Arrested Development line here). I am absolutely honored that they chose my photo from hundreds of others, and love the collection put together. They had me on the front page once, but I checked it too late to see. If this had happened a couple months ago I probably would have been inspired by the other girls and gone out to get my hair cut Amelie style. But as it happens, I'm going to grow it long-no matter what Sam says- and its just past that incredibly annoying point just at the shoulders: Too short to rest on them, and too long to stay off of them. If you're interested in how the bob started, check this rare article out.

Aaaand, I have new photos for my shop. Eventful week. Lisa is letting me use her photography studio for photos, so they look so nice! Hopefully I'll get her cool velvet green couch in the pictures next week ;)

*Here are a couple past hairstyles, it was actually a bit shorter once, but I couldn't find a photo.