Monday, July 6, 2009

Hot lady.

At a rummage sale years and years ago I was drawn to this photo. The seller saw me looking at it and said "She didn't know how cool she was."

And she was right. The well done hair, the little tie blouse, the perfectly plucked eyebrows, the clip on earrings. But best of all the glasses. So began my love affair with vintage glasses.

It took years to embrace vintage glasses as an accessory, but now I have such an obsession I feel I should make up for lost time. In the past I have owned four pairs of glasses, but sold two because I could never wear them thanks to the insanely nauseating prescription lenses. Then a few months ago Sam and I were at Magpie Vintage looking at the amazing selection of frames and I noticed all the lenses were popped out. The owner and salesgirl assured me it didn't look weird, in fact, the owner was wearing a pair of glasses that was sans lenses and I didn't even notice! I passed up a bunch of gorgeous frames, but did buy some sunglasses. I figured I should wear the pair I had before purchasing any more. So I took my 50s cat eyes to an optometrist who kindly removed the lenses for me in just minutes. And Voila! Now I can wear them all the time.

I was recently made aware of Vintage 50s Eyewear on Etsy via the Retro Ways blog and want the entire shop.

There's just something about vintage glasses that make me feel so glamorous. And a good quick fix if I can't do eye makeup :)