Tuesday, July 28, 2009



I know I did a thank you post what seems like a year ago (ok, I haven't been blogging that long, so not quite), but I wanted to thank everyone for your kindness and encouragement. Sometimes I look back on posts and think "why do they keep reading when I'm just rambling on about little old lady dresses?". But then I realize that there are more people out there like myself who take more interest in an old plastic button than in the latest runway show. Those who gather here like to know that there are others just as silly and different than they are, just as I visit your blogs for the same comfort. The comments for our wedding day post were overwhelming, such wonderful wishes, and even some of you lurkers came out to say something! I admit I am guilty of lurking on many a blog, and you inspired me to comment more on those wonderful blogs I read but say nothing. It reminded me how good it feels to know someone is enjoying something you love and put time and effort into. I just wanted you to know that I read and appreciate every single comment you leave, in the morning it is my alternative to coffee, perks me right up!
Since starting this blog there have been people as kind as can be offering help and lovely surprises, and I hope that I can return such kindness in some way.
Yesterday I received a gift from Madeline, a reader who just celebrated her 29th wedding anniversary. She enjoyed my postings, and shared my excitement for marriage, and wanted to pass on some of her vintage wedding collection to me. She collects vintage wedding cake toppers, which I think is such a wonderful and romantic item to collect, and had some things in her collection she thought I might like.

Which of course I adore.

In the box of romantic vintage lovelies was an antique embroidered silk frame, pocket mirror, hand grooming set (in a little glove pouch!), vintage card, Victorian guide to happy marriage, pretty printed fan, unused loose powder (in Bridal Pink), a little lovebirds cake topper, and an intricately cross stitched linen.

Unwrapping each item was like Christmas, most things I have never come across in vintage hunts, and she even included a little history of the items to add extra sentiment. So thank you so much Madeline! And thank you everyone who reads, comments, keeps coming back, or simply stops by for a peek :)
