Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas shopping

I found a funny little hat to match my coat, isn't it cute? Honestly I think it's a bit silly, but so are the best hats. It was a hit while shopping downtown today though, I had no problem getting attention, even with the holiday rush ;)

At one store in particular (can't say which, christmas presents!), a number of men left their counters to assist me with one small purchase, boys are so funny when a well dressed girl walks through the door!

My mother and I had lunch at Jakes, as a gift from my grandmother. It was a wonderful, cozy lunch, complete with dessert and tea. Afterward I just wanted to curl up next to the fireplace and take a nap, a sign of a really good lunch :)

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday season, I've still got some presents to make!


Coat-Fab Gabs


Shoes-Chie Mihara, from a garage sale

Purse-Urban Eccentric

Gloves-A gift