Monday, December 6, 2010

Long hair wishlist


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

I was going to do a Christmas wish list, but there's not really much I want. A new lense for my camera. Short post. Goodness knows I have enough clothes, hats, gloves, and whatnot to fill our apartment and then some (not that it stops me from buying the occasional hat, I last counted at......*ahem*.....122....)

So I thought I would post a few photos of girls with long hair, since thats what I've been really wanting.

Not a girl with long hair. Just the hair part.

As much as I love vintage styles, I am often drawn to a more natural look, and am really happy when I see girls embracing their natural hair texture. It just kills me when I see women fry their wavy hair in order "smooth it out". Honestly I love the look of a bit of frizz, a bit of fluff. Paired with a fresh face, it looks a little wild, in a good way.
But of course, the grass is always greener on the other side, and many ladies with straight hair will do whatever it takes to get curls.

Le sigh.

Hope you enjoy this little collection, and hope it inspires those of you who are trying to grow out your hair to keep away from the scissors!