Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to tie a 40s headscarf

On Mondays post I got a few questions on how to tie a 40s headscarf, Rosie the Riveter style. So thanks to Twila Jean we got some pictures today to show you how. It's insanely easy, and great for lazy hair days, wearing over pin curls, or a fast 40s look!

You'll need a medium to large cotton headscarf. Silk is ok but slippery, so use with caution.

Fold it in half diagonally so you have a triangle.

Place the scarf over your shoulders, shawl style, with the point facing down.

Take the two ends on your shoulders...

...and tie them once on top of your head.

Pull the point of the scarf up to the top of your head and stuff your hair in the little pouch created.

Lay the point over the tied area.

Tie a knot over the point.

Tuck the open sections in, and the ties if you want.

Ta da!