Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Seamed stockings

Last week I ordered a box of seamed stockings from Weirdee Girl Vintage, three pairs! I was pretty excited since the only pair of seamed I have are the ones I wore when I got married, from Fab Gabs. I love them, but save them for special occasions as they were, well, special.
When I opened the box I almost couldn't bring myself to slip the stockings out of the tissue paper (I didn't dare rip off the tape, so I carefully slipped them out). Don't you love the gold ribbon around them? It took me a bit to realize they were stockings fluttering in the breeze.
As much as I want to wear them right away I'll need to find a good garter belt, which may have to wait for the lovely tax return since I have my eye on this one. But maybe I can find one at a vintage store before then ;)