Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is it about gingham...

I found this dress at work the other day and had to get it (wow, I feel like a say that exact sentence way too much). I have a pretty black and white gingham dress my auntie gave me, but it's a sleeveless summer dress, and I save those for warmer weather. For spring I paired it with a fluffy pink petticoat, and black beret, but I think it will be nice in fall too with a wooly sweater and boots!
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, I took a little break from blogging and finished my kitty dress (it's as cute as it sounds, or awful, depending on how much you like kitties, hehe), baked some yummy bread, cleaned a bit, and watched I Capture The Castle, and Penelope. The former had nice 30s inspiration, and the latter was just darling, I recommend it, especially if you have young girls, it has a nice "moral of the story".
It's been raining a lot (my hair got a bit wet when I was taking pictures), and tonight when my family met up for dinner, there was a huge, full rainbow right outside the window, nice view huh?