Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Vixen Vintage!

It has been a whole year since I wrote that first post late one night while trying to not shop on Etsy. To celebrate I would like to do a little giveaway.
About year ago Lark Books contacted me and asked if I would design a tap pants pattern for a book about handmade lingerie. Of course I jumped at the chance and made a pair. Unfortunately the ones I made were not in a fabric that fit with the style of the book (a bright floral silk recycled from a torn up 40s dress), so the tap pants did not make it in the book. But the nice people at Lark Books sent me a copy of the book anyway!

It is full of fantastic projects, like a frilly garter belt, bra made of doilies, bloomers, and of course knickers, camisoles, and nightgowns. It has a guide for fabric, techniques, and is full of pretty, romantic photos. The book is great for a beginner or expert, and very clear directions! So I am giving away a copy of Sweet Nothings to one of my lovely readers.
All you need to do to enter is comment on this post. Then on Friday the 23rd I'll pick a winner at random! Happy Birthday Vixen Vintage readers!
