Friday, October 2, 2009

A little encouragement for you.

Half of my life I attended private school, and the other half an Art school. I never got any sort of "real high school" experience (thank goodness), or had to deal with any of the horrid people that make going to school so difficult. One could say I was very lucky. I know a lot of my readers are teens, so I swear I have a point.
Throughout my life I have been surrounded by encouragement to be myself, and because of that I know exactly who I am and am sure of the choices I make. Most are not so fortunate to be encouraged, constantly being put down by the media, peers, and even family for making a different choice in the way they dress, or the things they like to do. So those who would otherwise be their own person are pressured into conforming to a mold that is created by everyone else but themselves, everyone else but the one person that matters: You.
You have your own tastes, and quirks, and way of expressing what makes you, you. It could be though clothes, it could be though music, it could be the way you treat other people, but either way you are in charge of that, and all I can do is hope that you don't let others discourage you from making you feel like being different is a bad thing. Those who put down people who are different are just too scared to be different themselves. It's true.
You may get a snide comment, or mean snicker from someone or other, but just remember that you have the courage to be your own person, while they can only stand by and watch.
I keep up this blog not to inspire you to dress like me but inspire you to dress how YOU want, and accept loving what YOU love. I am not an average person and neither are you, and I encourage you to make the most of that.

Blouse and hat: The Urban Eccentric

Skirt: Buffalo Exchange

Sweater: Thrifted

Socks: TJ Maxx

Shoes: Nordstrom

Gloves: Estate sale

Bag: Michael Kors