Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sweater season and Vintage Queens

So sorry I've haven't posted lately (ok, two days, but it feels longer), to tell you the truth I've used every spare minute to knit my sweater, and I have the back almost finished! It's very exciting, considering the last thing I knit was a scarf that took me almost two years. I thought my lack of interest in knitting was because it was too difficult, but I guess I just needed a more interesting project than row after row of the same thing.
I LOVE this color, you can purchase it here, it's Maple Syrup. The sweater will look a bit different than the pattern because I'm shortening it so it will sit at my waist, and skipping out on the embroidery. I still haven't picked out buttons, but some neat wooden ones are what I'm picturing, either that or bakelite.
Also pictured are my awesome knitting needles given to me years ago by a creative minded relative, and my knitting/sewing/embroidery bag bought a while ago at Monticello Antiques and it's the perfect size, not to mention it's pink with little ships on it.

Thought I'd share this photo of my grandmother, age 17. Quite similar to the last one in this post.

Exciting news: I'm Vintage Queen #40 on Queens of Vintage! I love this feature they do every week, and was sooooooo excited when I was asked to be a part of it. Thanks so much Lena!