Friday, May 14, 2010

California day 7, lounging around

Our last day in California involved lounging at the pool, eating good food at The Zinc Cafe, and shopping a bit here and there. Now it's time to pack up to leave in the morning, and while I enjoyed my time here immensely, I miss my husband, my hats, and my cats. Oh wait I don't have cats. Well if I had cats I would miss them too.

I got this swimsuit at a fabulous estate sale a while back, and this week has been the first time I've worn it. The estate I bought it from was amazing, with gold and velvet wallpaper, a pink bathroom, and this was one of two things I grabbed before any other dealers (I wanted the tiger print pin up suit too, but was too late!). The woman had fabulous things, the kind of woman who wore feather trimmed robes and traveled with her red monogrammed trunks. Since the tag in my swimsuit is in french I like to think she picked it up somewhere on the french coast in the 50s, and had the most fabulous time in it.

Thanks a million to my fabulous mama for taking pictures all week, and Twila Jean for lending me her lense!