Monday, May 17, 2010

Win a $100 shopping spree at LA Vintage!

Sunshine Romper,Red Loafers
Switzerland scarf,Straw Purse

I've been at a loss for a good giveaway lately, so when LA Vintage emailed me with an offer for $100 for one of my lovely readers I jumped at the chance! They have a wide selection of dresses, shoes, mens clothing, and everything in between! They even have a plus size section, how cool is that?

All you need to do to enter is visit LA Vintage, browse around, and comment back here telling me what you would buy with your possible $100, and don't forget to leave your email address. Thats it! Just browse and comment. Aaaaaaand, it's open to international readers!

The winner will be picked Friday May 21st at random.

Above you can see what I've picked out as my favorites, a perfect little summer outfit. So now go find something perfect for you!