Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sam I am

As a "fashion blogger" I get a lot of questions about my other half. Does he dress vintage too? Do you two coordinate outfits? How does he handle all your hats? Or for that matter, cats? (we actually don't have a cat, just lot's of kitty things).
I am lucky to have a husband that enjoys his own wardrobe. He doesn't have a whole lot of clothes, but he loves what he has. We are funny in the way that I, one one hand, will easily spend money on clothing, but cannot justify buying books. He, on the other hand can buy books but has to be persuaded to buy clothing. But the clothing he does have is quality, and stylish, and he knows exactly how to wear them. And it bugs him that men use the excuse of being a man to dress sloppy. So late one night, he decided to start his very own style blog! Sound familiar?

He named it Dapper as Hell because that's what he aspires to be. So if your a guy, know a guy, or would like to meet my other half, go visit!

On that note check out this picture I found yesterday at an estate sale, I couldn't pass it up. It's from the 40s, and the mix of guys in boaters, classic signs, and bowties was irresistible. Only after I bought it did I see the guy on the right wearing converse with his ensemble, how cute is that?