Monday, May 24, 2010

My vacuum matches my kitchen appliances.

I get a lot of nice emails from Vixen Vintage readers. However the other day I got a rather unusual one :" This is probably going to sound funny/odd but 'Do you want my vacuum?"

As a matter of fact I do!

Even though we moved into our place in April (or maybe end of March, whatever), Sam and I had yet to buy a vacuum for our carpeted apartment. For the record, I hate carpet. Rugs, I am in favor of, but beige industrial carpet? Just writing that sentence makes my nose wrinkle.
So if having an ugly carpet was not enough, I would also have to get an ugly vacuum. No thanks, I'll just keep the curtains closed and pretend the floor stays clean, and buy a hat instead. That is my logic: Why buy something ugly and practical when I can have something pretty and unpractical?!

And for that reason I have more hats and dresses than I can ever hope to show you, and until yesterday, no vacuum.

But when pretty and practical marry, and have gorgeous, useful offspring, I am in heaven.

Jessi, a sweet and need I say generous blog reader, stopped by my workplace yesterday and dropped off this little beauty of a vacuum, it's a reproduction 1950s Eureka! She is moving and didn't want to haul it with her, and thought I might appreciate it's retro prettiness. I have not been so excited over a vacuum since I asked for one for Christmas when I was 4 (I was a weird kid).

When I got home I used it right away and it is surprisingly powerful! Now I can open the curtains! Woohoo!

I currently cannot bring myself to put it away in the closet, so it sits in my living room, just being pretty. The only info I could find on it (actually Jessi sent it to me), is this Amazon listing, which doesn't even have them for sale, it just taunts you.

So thank you a million times to Jessi, now I can pretend to be June Cleaver without a hitch ;)