Saturday, February 14, 2009

Girl in the red cape.

I have a list of items in my mind that I am always searching for. I can never settle for something ok, even if finding exactly what I want takes years. With some items it has taken years, but it definitely pays off finding that perfect something I've waited for. Usually between the time I decide I want it, and the time I actually get it, I'll come across mediocre versions that I could settle for if I want it now, but if I am just a bit more patient I know I will find exactly what I want. Sometimes it has to do with price, I'll find what I'm looking for in an item but not in price, or it will be one little detail that just throws me off. These things have stayed in my closet much longer than impulse buys, and are so much more exciting to find and to wear. This winter I found a number of items I've been searching for, including my blue striped pants, Michael Kors bag, and brown loafers.
Funny enough after seeing Confessions of a Shopaholic last night, I had the urge to sort out my closet. I think seeing such fabulous clothes makes me realize I should only keep things I wear often and let go of the so-so items to get amazing ones. It's on ongoing process.
So I took a bag of clothes to Buffalo Exchange (A different location this time, so much better than the other) and was thrilled to find two items I've been searching for. A great red wool Pendleton cape ($21.00), and a leopard print muff ($12.00) with a built in pouch to serve as a purse.

Also bought this great black mandarin dress with fabulous buttons. I seem to have a little collection of mandarin dresses building up, since I just love how they look. The real ones never fit me, but the 50s imitation designs fit like a glove.

How could I resist kittens on a cardigan?

Since I traded clothes I only spent $16.00 on all four items, which I think is pretty darn peachy. There were other items I considered, but I didn't want to go too much over the trade limit, and the ones I have are great finds. I would have taken pictures but the dressing rooms are much smaller than the other store, and for some reason a group of girls decided to stand in front of the big dressing room mirror while they tried to convince their friend the jeans she was trying on did not make her derier look fat.

They did.