Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hair decor.

Spring is soooooo close. And yet it snowed today, so it is also nowhere in sight. Its difficult to wear hats with this weather, they get blown off even with hatpins, or just plain get wet. To replace a lovely hat are clips and combs, something I've been collecting and wearing during this hat-hating weather. Bows of course are a must, and remind me of Sally in the Dick Van Dyke show who wore an adorable bow in her hair every day. It always made her office outfit more cheerful and lighthearted. Combs and barrettes have also worked their way into my little collection, of various shapes and sizes. There are some cute ones on Etsy, and I always see really elaborate ones at antique shops. Combs seem really underused now, which is unfortunate since they can make a dull hair day look really put together. They also are an easy 1940s look with hair down if ever you want the look but don't have the time to spend on something so elaborate.

Flower clip-Victorian Bustle

Heart combs-Decades

Others are from thrift stores.