Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Yesterday Sam and I went to get our car fixed in Hazel Dell, a part of town neither of us are very find of. It was snowing but we had an hour to wait (After that hour it turned out something else was wrong and they needed it another day. Boo.) and Sam had the wonderful idea of walking somewhere. In the snow. We made it next door to a lighting store, which turned out to be much more exciting than anticipated, but I think it was his company that made it so. There really are some neat vintage replica lighting fixtures, and I even found this adorable pink retro fan.
Sam found this great antique telephone style bath and shower faucet. How cool is that?

After Sam had the wonderful idea of walking in the snow, I had the equally wonderful idea of getting Popsicles. Brrrr!

This light is for Ellery.