Friday, February 27, 2009

Traditional 1940s suit.

Today was another day at The Urban Eccentric, and Sam suggested I wear this 1940s suit I've had for a few months but never worn. When I was searching for a suit I was looking everywhere but at work, and while arranging racks one day I came across it, right under my nose all that time I was looking. This one was considered a "man tailored" suit like this picture from a 1945-46 Sears catalogue. The term always confused me, and seemed putting off, because I thought it meant more of a boxy, masculine style. It actually means that the suit was the quality of a mans, well structured and from the same type of fabric. During the war women would take the suits of their husbands and brothers and re-structure them for themselves.This suit fits me very well, and I especially love the pocket detail on this jacket and on others from the era, we always seem to steal things from the boys and make it better :)

Here's a great bird hat photo, I was glad it wasn't raining or windy so I could wear it, but did need the fur collar to keep warm without a coat. On windy days bird hat flies away...