Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blue shoes and straw hats.

Flipping through the February issue of Vogue, I've noticed two trends that seem to grace everything from the magazines photo spreads, to the ads in between.

Blue shoes, and boater hats.

I've never actually been one to wear a boater, for summer I prefer the really wide brim hats, or fun florals. However these hats have appeared on so many runways for the spring season they are hard to ignore. I think the attraction is not only the hat itself, but how it is worn: tilted and forward. Much different from the traditional way of wearing it on top of the head, and ever so eye catching.

The other stand out accessory are deep sky blue shoes. Worn with all kinds of outfits and colors, they really have a fresh impact on footwear, more daring than navy. Colorful shoes in general are always so much more exciting than black, and I will always remember a scene in the film 'Chocolat" when Viannes daughter is angry at her mother because the children at school tease her for being different. She exclaims "Why cant you wear black shoes like all the other mothers!"
Louboutin like shoes from Rerun

I think everyone needs more color in their shoe wardrobe. Yes black goes with pretty much everything, and there are some really exciting styles out there, but that is precisely why daring colored shoes are less seen, and more appreciated.