Friday, June 26, 2009

A bit of nostalgia...

This was one of my first vintage dresses, given to me from my aunt Nichole when I was around 10 (ish). It was originally a dress up frock for me, but I remember one warm summer day I decided to wear it for a walk around the neighborhood. I completely loved it, the way it draped, the pattern, the way the light fabric caught the breeze. Something about it just felt really grown up and dreamy. And the rest is history....

Well, ok, it took some more time to realize there were more dresses like this one, but, you get the picture.

The necklace is one of my favorite costume jewelry pieces, it was my great grandmother Lois's, she was a master sewer and her backyard always smelled like warm tomato plants. I know those are unrelated, but it smelled really good!

The shoes are actually 70s, looking 40s and despite having a wooden sole are really comfortable. They make me tall :)

Does anyone remember their first vintage?