Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cracker Jacks

I haven't had Cracker Jacks in ages, but when I saw them at the store I figured they would make a good little sweet snack, plus be really cute ;)
And we all know that cute food is very important. Too bad I wasn't wearing red white and blue. I have the perfect shoes to go with Cracker Jacks. Maybe next time.
The prize was kind of disappointing: a piece of paper with a bird picture that when you folded it certain ways it would open and close it's mouth. I was hoping for some sort of cheap plastic animal figure or something, which was what used to be in there long before I was born. Things just aren't what they used to be kids.
I wore this outfit to the grocery store, and like always got stares like I'm crazy or something. Honestly, if you are going to stare at someone, be subtle about it at least. But then again I was the only woman in the store wearing a dress, let alone a hat and gloves. Most women opt for the 'dirty pajamas' look. Seriously? What happened to make that acceptable?