Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Victory curls and red lipstick.

When Shayla and I saw each other today we burst into laughter. Not only did we both have victory rolls, but also were wearing 40s outfits of navy, white, and red, and had black 40s crocheted purses. What silly girls. It's vintage telepathy. We felt as though we should have gone somewhere together for a vintage twin day.

This was the first time I had tried my hair this way, I've wanted to do it since Casey posted photos of her styling. For the back I just held it down with a comb, but no hat would go with the hair, so I tied a big bow from a red scarf and pinned it in. Shayla on the other hand did fantastically cute pigtail braids with little red ties at the end. Next time I will try that.

I went to Wallgreens and saw they were having a "buy one get one half off" sale on Revlon makeup, which made me justify buying a red lipstick and lip liner even though I knew it wouldn't work. If all of the department store lipsticks didn't work on me then this would would be a bust. But I got the color "Really Red" as it looked matte enough to maybe be ok. When I got home I tried it on and its so perfect! Not too pink, not too orange, not too sheer, not too dark, just what I wanted ;)