Monday, June 29, 2009

Bridal shower

Saturday afternoon my Tia Gail threw me a wonderful bridal shower. It was set up under a gazebo that is across the street from where we are getting married, and it was the perfect day for it! There was blue sky, swallows were flying all around, and that weekend a car show was in town so about a dozen of the most amazing 1950s cars drove by all in a darling line. I kept saying "I want that one!"

Of course there was lots of great food, and yummy cake, and a table full of the best gifts. Among other things, I received lots of blue kitchenware, the cutest apron, and my great grandmothers pyrex mixing bowl. I'll have to do a little kitchen photo shoot soon, it looks really cute!
Such a fun afternoon, thank you everyone who set it up and attended!
Oh the little drawing is what my cousin Pearl drew. It is a picture of me as a princess, too cute!